Haggis, Chicken & Peppercorn Sauce

Haggis, Chicken & Peppercorn Sauce
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Can't beat a wee bit Haggis & Chicken
1 Portion
Cook Time
8 Minutes
1 Portion
Cook Time
8 Minutes
Haggis, Chicken & Peppercorn Sauce
Print Recipe
Can't beat a wee bit Haggis & Chicken
1 Portion
Cook Time
8 Minutes
1 Portion
Cook Time
8 Minutes
Servings: Portion
  1. Cook Chicken on George Forman for 1-2 Minutes on each side turning frequently.
  2. Add a little water to the Haggis (no more than a t-spoon) and cook in microwave for about 45 seconds.
    Grants Premium Haggis
  3. Boil Kettle and when Chicken is nearly done mix Peppercorn Sauce mix with Boiling Water, roughly 50ml-60ml.
  4. Once the Chicken is cooked, stir and microwave the Haggis for another 30 seconds and add a little bit more water to the Peppercorn Sauce.
    Haggis, Chicken & Peppercorn Sauce
Recipe Notes

Chicken Breast
from Muscle Foods

Premium Haggis

Grants Premium Haggis

Peppercorn Sauce
Asda (granules)

Calories = 466,
Carbs = 21g,
Fat = 18g,
Protein = 54g.

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