Sirloin Steak & Salad

Sirloin Steak & Salad
Print Recipe
Removed the idea of Chips and Onion rings to make a nice healthy alternative.
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 10 Minutes
Cook Time
5 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 10 Minutes
Cook Time
5 Minutes
Sirloin Steak & Salad
Print Recipe
Removed the idea of Chips and Onion rings to make a nice healthy alternative.
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 10 Minutes
Cook Time
5 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 10 Minutes
Cook Time
5 Minutes
Servings: Portion
  1. Trim Steak of excess fat.
  2. Spray with Garlic Spray Oil and Black Pepper then place in freezer type bag and Chill in Fridge for at least a few hours.
  3. Remove from Fridge at least 30 minutes before you need it.
  4. Mix up Salad and turn on George Forman.
  5. Simply cook for a few minutes each side to your preference.
  6. After cooking let Steak rest for at least 5 minutes.
    Sirloin Steak & Salad
Recipe Notes

Steak from Muscle Foods
(6oz-7oz Irish Grass Fed)

Calories = 392,
Carbs = 12g,
Fat = 21g,
Protein = 39g.

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