Prawn & Chili Linguine

Prawn & Chili Linguine
Print Recipe
Very tasty dish that can easily be modified to replace Prawn for Chicken, Beef etc
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 10 Minutes
Cook Time
13-15 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 10 Minutes
Cook Time
13-15 Minutes
Prawn & Chili Linguine
Print Recipe
Very tasty dish that can easily be modified to replace Prawn for Chicken, Beef etc
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 10 Minutes
Cook Time
13-15 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 10 Minutes
Cook Time
13-15 Minutes
Servings: Portion
  1. Boil Water, add Linguine and cook for 9-10 minutes
  2. After 3-4 Minutes heat Spray Oil and fry Onion & Pepper
  3. Add Prawns, Parmesan and cook for 2-3 minutes
  4. Add Garlic Butter
  5. Drain Linguine and add to Prawns
  6. Add Black Pepper, Ginger & Chili Flakes and cook 1-2 Minutes
    Prawn & Chili Linguine
Recipe Notes

Prawns from Asda "cheap frozen"
(defrosted in fridge overnight)

Calories = 297,
Carbs = 24g,
Fat = 13g,
Protein = 22g.

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