Lazy Chicken & Rice

Lazy Chicken & Rice
Print Recipe
Super easy, super quick, super cheap and still tastes GREAT.
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 3-5 Minutes
Cook Time
3-5 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 3-5 Minutes
Cook Time
3-5 Minutes
Lazy Chicken & Rice
Print Recipe
Super easy, super quick, super cheap and still tastes GREAT.
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 3-5 Minutes
Cook Time
3-5 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 3-5 Minutes
Cook Time
3-5 Minutes
Servings: Portion
  1. Defrosted Chicken in Fridge overnight.
  2. I cooked THREE portions of Rice (150g dry) and use over the next few days, simply boil Water and add dry Rice to Water and cook for 13-14 Minutes stirring occasionally.
  3. Now to cook Chicken & Rice is simply reheating things so fry Peppers in Garlic Spray Oil and 1/2 of the Soy Sauce for 1-2 minutes on a high heat.
  4. Turn down heat to Medium and add Chicken & Rice and add all Herbs & the last of the Soy Sauce and cover for a few minutes.
    Lazy Chicken & Rice
Recipe Notes

Chicken from Asda (Frozen)
(defrosted in fridge overnight)

Calories = 333,
Carbs = 44g,
Fat = 3g,
Protein = 34g.

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