Pork Kebabs

Pork Kebabs

255 Calories & 10 Carbs

(New recipes are added regularly so please check back when you can)

2015-03-10 20.13.37

3 Lidl Pork Medallions
73g Mushrooms
102g Mixed Pepper
80g Red Onion
2tsp Lidl Balsamic Dressing
Cracked Black Pepper
Spray Oil

Steam Veg for roughly 10 minutes

(basically to fill with Water)

Cook Diced Pork in Spray Oil and Cracked Black Pepper until a nice colour

(oven will finish)

Prep up the Kebabs

Cook Kebabs for 10 minutes in Oven then turn them over and with a little Spray Oil and cook for another 6-7 minutes with oven set at 190.

